Vol. 15 , No. 1 & 2, January 2023 – December 2023
Disabled Entrepreneurship: Human Capital Transformation in
the Context of Bangladesh
Sumon Das, PhD 1
Nadia Newaz Rimi, PhD2
Received on 18th Aug 2022, Accepted on 8th Jan 2023, Publised on 31st Dec 2023
Abstract: This research investigates various challenges that disabled people face and ultimately
become their inspiration to be entrepreneur through various supportive mechanisms. Using an
explanatory lens, the researchers used semi-structured interviews to collect information from
14 disabled entrepreneurs. The findings showed that disabled entrepreneurs transform the
challenges into motivators with the help of the supportive mechanisms and become successful
in their business and personal life. Based on the findings, the study reveals how the challenges
become motivators through the supportive mechanisms and bring both personal and business
results to impaired entrepreneurs and provides discernments into the disabled population’s
business endeavors in Bangladesh.
Keywords: Disabled entrepreneurs, challenges, motivators, support systems, and