Management Education to Meet the Future Challenges


Page No: 177-179, ISBN: 978-984-35-2570-3

Nadia Newaz Rimi, PhD1

With the support of the Ministry of Education (MoE), the Government  of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, the University of Dhaka has taken the initiative to provide research grants to strengthen the research environment in the University at the start of the centennial celebration event in 2021.University of Dhaka hopes that this initiative will help to develop some policy actions that will guide the university in its pursuit  of becoming a center of excellence in quality research and education     by revisiting its vision, mission, strategic goals, and road-maps through enhancing academic environment and boosting its reputation in the international arena.

The Centennial Celebration Committee of the University of Dhaka invites………….

Soft Skills – The Key to Career Success


Page No: 167-174, ISBN: 978-984-35-2570-3

Sheikh Abdur Rahim, PhD1


Today’s working environment is highly competitive all over the world. People may not get success in their working place using only hard skills. So, this paper attempts to explore the necessities of soft skills for the people to make their career successful in the organizations. As it is a chapter review paper, the authors have used descriptive analysis techniques to interpret the data/information effectively and efficiently.  The review findings show that soft skills are highly essential for people  to get success in the workplace. The review findings also show that there is a close relationship between soft skills and personality development of the people. Thus, the authors have provided some recommendations to strengthen the soft skills of the people and make their career shine in the highly competitive working environment.

Keywords: Soft Skills, Job Market, Competitive Environment, Career Success.


Business today doesn’t have national boundaries, it reaches around the world. So, the competition among the job applicants is not located within the particular nation/country. As a result, the current human resources must obtain various types of skills. Otherwise………….

Authentic Leadership: A Critical Review


Page No: 159-166, ISBN: 978-984-35-2570-3

Nuray Akter1


The world is passing with serious crisis moments at different issues in different sectors of development and peacefulness. Most importantly,  the educational sector, industrial sector, and service sector are priorly considerable. And authentic leadership (AL) is an emergent argument    to develop and peaceful living of a nation with the right directions of organizational leaders of different sectors. Because, the authenticity of    a leader must be the best way of identifying and resolving such type of crisis in a complex & competitive working environment (Kempster, Iszatt- White, & Brown, 2018; Fries‐Britt, & Snider,2015).

As authentic leadership (AL) is implicated with leadership; thus, first of all, an overview of leadership and then authentic leadership (AL) and…………..

Role of Big Data in Achieving Competitive Advantage


Page No: 137-146, ISBN: 978-984-35-2570-3

Md. Nazmus Sakib1


The scope and area of Big Data have gained significant momentum from the tandem of academics and business parlance over the last couple of decades. It assists organizations in gaining business insights, fostering a competitive edge, and transforming whole business processes (Dahiya et al., 2021; Shah, 2022; Talwar et al., 2021; Wamba & Mishra, 2017). According to McKinsey (2011), Big Data would be a unique source of improving the productivity, competitiveness, and innovation of the business organization. Similarly, McAfee et al. (2012) argued that Big Data can enhance the entire decision-making function of a firm. According to Brown et al. (2011), the reasoning behind this transformation of the entire decision-making function of a firm lies in the caliber of Big Data to change the footprint of competitiveness by fostering innovation, shifting business ecosystems, and revamping business processes.

Therefore, it is significant to study Big Data due to its enormous capability of transforming entire business processes. Scholars have argued that competitive advantage in this era comprehensively depends on……..

Robotic Process Automation


Page No: 147-158, ISBN: 978-984-35-2570-3

Farhana Akter1

1.  Introduction

Today’s businesses are undergoing a massive transition from old, outdat- ed technology to new ones. The new ones are very rapidly forming, and businesses that are going to be successful must adapt to this shift. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) uses robotic technology to automate various repetitive tasks in business. RPA is gaining popularity due to its ability to decrease costs, streamline processes, and improve customer experiences. Another benefit of RPA software is that it may be implemented without the need for business units to learn new tools or seek information technology (IT) help, as well as without modifying the underlying IT architecture of a company. As the popularity of RPA increases, enterprises will need to integrate RPA process automation into their IT platforms. Although RPA automatics can accelerate a previously managed business process substan- tially, it may be unacceptable if applications or processes change.

2.  Definition of RPA in the Human Resource Department (HRD)

Businesses utilize robotic technology to automate numerous repetitive ac- tivities via RPA. The RPA-simplified HR operational procedures include employee interactions, recruitment, selection, training and development, benefits and remuneration and………….

Personality and Career Choice


Page No: 137-146, ISBN: 978-984-35-2570-3

Nadia Newaz Rimi, PhD.1
Razib Hossain1

This chapter examines how individuals explore a suitable career that fits their characteristics. It discusses the domains of careers and personality. It also explores the link between personality and career choice. In examining these issues, this chapter discusses the contemporary concepts of personality. Then, in this chapter, the author mentions different theories of personality and discusses the Big Five Model and the RIASEC Model of Personality.  It reviews the various definitions of “career” and tries     to discuss the different career choices of individuals. Then, it presents empirical evidence regarding the relationship between personality traits and career choice. It also tries to conclude with the analysis of career choice and personality matching. After studying the chapter, the reader can answer questions like: Is it essential to have a definite personality when choosing a career?


Selecting a career that is a good fit for one’s personality is considered a key determinant for future success in the workplace. Different jobs are better suited to different personalities. So, one should be cautious while selecting a career (Alwis, 2018). Personality, abilities, intelligence, background, attitudes, perceptions, motivation, culture, roles they play, gender, race, and disability are all variables that distinguish individuals. These factors are the primary contributors to individual behavior. People desire to pick a profession that best suits their abilities. A career provides a person with identity and status. It boosts a person’s self-esteem, creates a sense of belonging, and makes it easier to form relationships with other members of society. For these reasons, a career is crucial for individuals. It raises the issue of the right career choice (Alkhelil, 2016).

What is Personality?

Personality is the sum of how an individual reacts to and interacts with others. Personality refers to measurable traits that a person exhibits (Robbins and Judge, 2019). Britannica (2002) defines personality as a……….