Page No: 167-174, ISBN: 978-984-35-2570-3
Sheikh Abdur Rahim, PhD1
Today’s working environment is highly competitive all over the world. People may not get success in their working place using only hard skills. So, this paper attempts to explore the necessities of soft skills for the people to make their career successful in the organizations. As it is a chapter review paper, the authors have used descriptive analysis techniques to interpret the data/information effectively and efficiently. The review findings show that soft skills are highly essential for people to get success in the workplace. The review findings also show that there is a close relationship between soft skills and personality development of the people. Thus, the authors have provided some recommendations to strengthen the soft skills of the people and make their career shine in the highly competitive working environment.
Keywords: Soft Skills, Job Market, Competitive Environment, Career Success.
Business today doesn’t have national boundaries, it reaches around the world. So, the competition among the job applicants is not located within the particular nation/country. As a result, the current human resources must obtain various types of skills. Otherwise………….