DOI: https://doi.org/10.57240/DUJMJUNE03
Page No: 35-49, ISSN: 2221-2523
Mohammad Thoufiqul Islam, PhD1
Mohammad Abdul Jabber2
Recycle, reuse, remanufacturing, and repair are some of the key concepts in a green or sustainable environment. These concepts are available under the theme of circular economy (CE). The socio-economic development of any country largely depends on the CE. Thus, the study attempted to discover the current implementation challenges by the Readymade Garments (RMG) firms in Bangladesh. Five large composite RMG companies were investigated to determine theirefforts and the challenges faced in establishing CE. This study conducted an FGD and KIIs to validate the findings. Lack of knowledge, technology, management support, CE establishment cost, monitoring, and fragile natural resource management systems are some of the significant challenges were identified by the study. Awareness, stakeholder participation, and conscious efforts should be incorporated along with the legislature modification, and proper implementation of the compliance monitoring need to ensured in order to reap the benefit of the circular economy.
Keywords: Circulareconomy, sustainable environment, RMG, recycle, reuse.
1 Professor, Department of Management, University of Dhaka.
2 Associate Professor, Department of Management, University of Dhaka