Dhaka University Journal of Management,
Vol. 15 , No. 1 & 2, January 2023 – December 2023
Exploring the Significance of Social Media Reels and Short Videos
to Promote Business Online
Rafiuddin Ahmed, PhD1
Arindam Barai Gopal2
Received on 1st Feb 2022, Accepted on 11th April 2023, Publised on 31st Dec 2023
Abstract: Reels and Shorts are game-changing features that allow users to upload short video
clips and video graphics backed up by AI (Artificial Intelligence) and VR (Virtual reality) filters
with a video length of 15 seconds to 90 seconds. Although the features are adopted by both
influencers and regular users, brands are not thoroughly applying these features in raising
awareness and engagement due to the limited research on the field. The study focuses on the
significance of social media reels and shorts in brand promotion and boosting growth creating a
competitive edge. The study has implied the qualitative case study approach for determining the
effectiveness of reels and shorts in the corporate realm. The data was identified and collected
based on “grounded theory” where the data was collected from observing and studying the use
of reels and short of Netflix and analyzing the significance of the study at hand. By analyzing
the patterns of Netflix’s TikTok and Meta accounts posting, this article identifies that brands can
boost both engagement and conversion by the use of reels and shorts as promotional tools. The
research also outlines that brands can boost their promotion by two-fold co-existing their brand
presence in both reels and shorts. Furthermore, brands should also use the platforms, tailoring
the targeted demographics. As Instagram reels get around 22% engagement rate and TikTok
shorts get around 18% of the engagement rate, brands should tailor their millennial segment
through the Instagram Reels and iGen or the Generation Z segment through TikTok shorts.
Keywords: Social Media Reels, Short Videos, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Hedonic
Adaptation, Behavioral Valence, iGen, TikTo